THE FATHERHOOD EXPERIMENT: A Newsletter for fathers
Every year, every month, every season, every day, every hour, every minute, every second has a crunch time. When you work smart on the hard things, you won’t fall under the pressure.
You ever ask someone what their goals are, and they hesitate, give you a long-winded talk as you watch them mentally work through excuses of why they haven’t accomplished their goals yet. Or worse, they take offense and make it seem like you’re questioning their worth or intelligence?
That’s the veil or curtain falling. They are playing out failures in their head and why they fall short. And the truth they see is terrifying. They're reminded that they keep reaching for excuses and your question made them see it all clearly.
Father’s! This will be a struggle with your kids. Whether you are rich or poor.
First--- recognize the richness in being able to have conversations with your children.
Second--- the poor mentality and habits come from what has been allowed by you. Everyone fights to keep their comforts. When you become comfortable working hard on the wrong things you’re choosing to live hard.
What are those hard things?
Relationship struggles. If you’re lying or withholding the truth, your relationships will struggle. Nobody is always going to like to hear the truth, but they will respect it and you both will be better off. However, if you are telling the truth to purposely hurt someone, or to get yourself out of trouble, you will hurt yourself while destroying relationships.
Other hard things are, the usual---being fat, lazy, out of shape, eating junk food all the time, filling your house with junk food. Filling your mind with junk shows and information, while the only exercise you do is move your mouth to blame, complain and eat more- then wonder why you are unhealthy and sweat from the stress of deciding to keep yourself fat.
All your choice.
Back to working hard… When you work hard on the right things, being and making your loved ones happy become easier.
Earning your dream life also becomes easier.
I struggle to say you will always go through hard times because I believe those are just situations that come with working hard on the right things-like having to sweat to stay in shape. You will feel some hurt, and unwanted emotions. These are benefits of being honest and having good relationships.
What Are You Falling For?
Thinking tomorrow will be better, but are acting the same, doing the same, and believing the same negative things making you always want something better than the same dismal position you're in.
How can you think great, but believe failure? Because you haven't realized your actions help manifest your blessing. If you act out a belief long enough, that is all you see-so you might as well act in ways to improve your life.
I ain’t telling you nothing new. Just like all the advice you got from parents, relatives, friends, teachers and bosses who warned you about the same things.
It's similar to the region-beta paradox. (I call it the The paradox of the comfort zone;)
You'll jump (towards change/success) if you can still walk after vs you won't jump if you have to stay down for a while and feel like everyone will notice. This means most people would be better off in a terrible situation rather than a tolerable situation, because the tolerable situation allows a discomfort and failure you can mask as comfort, or even worse- resilience.
We all need people who don’t accept lazy, undisciplined behavior, who will help you, but also separate themselves if you continue to purposely fall because you don't fix your thoughts, and actions. This scenario should influence you to adjust and move towards ascension and success instead of falling for permanent failure. We also need to be that person in our own lives!
What you need to remember is that you are always hurt after a fall, whether you fall towards failure or success, (with the right mindset, one will lead to the other) Something in you changes. You walk different. Everyone sees. Dreams change. Belief changes. Life changes for the better.
You change. It all depends on which version of yourself you decide to fall for.
Don’t fall for easy money.
Don’t fall for easy pussy.
Don’t fall for easy work.
Don’t fall for the illusion of an easy life.
You have to make the hard choices to fall towards success and reach it- if that’s the life you desire
Don’t fall for easy relationships.
Also don’t fall for challenging relationships. If you have to work so hard to make other people happy or respect you that you're exhausted and don’t have time for yourself-you’re getting fucked out of your money, pussy, relationships, sanity, success, and being true to yourself.
Fuck That!
Dad Joke.
Why do women like Michael Vick
Because he kills it Doggystyle!
Music I’m Enjoying
OutKast-Claimin' True
Book’s I’m Studying (The Holy Ones)
Book I’m Reading (I’m a writer so I’m studying these too)
Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins
Movie I Recommend
Sugar Hill (1994, with Wesley Snipes)
To all the Father’s wondering “HOW THE FUCK DO I DO THIS?”
My advice is Just don’t pull out!
Clip of the region-beta-paradox