THE FATHERHOOD EXPERIMENT: A Newsletter for fathers

Pain makes you unrecognizable. It also makes you understand, and less agreeable because you know what it takes to make it through. It makes you take less from others and let more of your own go.

Don't hold onto more than you need. I'm old enough to know, nobody needs pain. We need healing.

Why is it that we can recognize, address, peacefully and calmly try to fix addict behavior in everyone except ourselves and our kids?

How scary is it that for a slight moment we would rather those traits be caused from drugs and alcohol, than laziness, bad habits, repeating mistakes, and lack of self-accountability!

You ever just think Jesus-fucking Christ, and feel like you fucked the wrong people to raise kids that don't seem to give a fuck about anything they do wrong because they just want to feel right? Then you think, what type of God dammed prayer did I screw up?

The pain everyone knows is there, but they ignore it, usually comes from focusing on outside influences that only bring negative ways of understanding yourself, and the truth, so negativity becomes the new normal.

What we need is to clear the air to see a necessary, positive reality. That only happens when we realize our pov isn't the only way to see and create.

Normal should be... Conversations where everyone can express their thoughts and opinions respectfully. Thats where it gets tricky because everyone's version of respect is different.

The right way to respect is to speak without an aggression aimed to hurt or humble. The simple way is to let you know I disagree; and I believe my opinion is right without making you feel wrong and wronged.


One of the hardest things to do is forgive, because you have to think about what you did to contribute to the problem, and if all you care about is being right and forgiven, a sad angry life is all you will get. And you won't even be able to forgive yourself.


Blame is too often used as motivation to keep yourself angry and keep the problem going. That's when forgiveness feels like being humbled, and like you're showing weakness.

Blame is useless because it holds you hostage.

Forgive, let go of the blame. Live a life that influences less pain and more healing.

Dad Joke.

What does a hot dog use for protection? Condoments.

Music I’m Enjoying

Hippie Sabotage-No Judgement.

Book’s I’m Studying (The Holy Ones)



Book I’m Reading

Money Master The Game by Tony Robbins


Eddie Murphy & Martin Lawrence

It's painful when you want to ease everyone-else's, but they want everyone to feel theirs!

To all the Father's wondering "HOW THE FUCK DO I DO THIS?"

My advice is Just Don't Pull Out!


