Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman

Who’s Life Matters?

Low Lifes!?

Black Lives-Nope!

Blue Lives-I don’t think so?

All Lives-Hell No!

Cause none of our daughters have a right to do what they want.

Only a man fucking her-not too hard, unless that’s what he wants. Refusing condoms. Wants to feel life hard. Grinning like a demon. Shoots her up and flees.

He’s on the run-in & out of your spouse. Refusing to make or honor his own. A lifetime offender of a crime everyman and his following women give their life to repeat. God set’s them free.

Bitch, hoe, motherfucker, sucker-god-damn-please.

How come only death makes it stop?

Tearing up. Families and hearts broken. Drugs, alcohol, suicide give hope. Not enough to reverse. She can’t take it back even-tho he turned his.

She tries to push through and out with more force than his promise to pull. Out, away, up to, and in-saving another woman from the pain he put her in.

Superman of disease. living unscathed. Unbothered with decay. Responsible for providing one hell of a life.

Whose Life Matters?

White life?

Low Lifes-Yes.

A Man’s life- Absolutely, Mother Fucking right. Bitch. Hoe.

And if he can afford a lawyer-he is supreme. Believes only Bitches and hoes matter-if they follow man’s lead. Anyone woman otta line-ABORT them.

They ain’t really needed. Except on their knees praying to a man. Their dream. The only crawling and crying a low life wants to see.

Letting off, fucking off babies with ease.

Fuck them. Fuck that woman. Fuck the bitch. If she won’t allow a man’s hoe decisions.

Aww, stop acting so God-damn sensitive-pussy-in the bedroom, behind any closed door you love man’s dick.

Let’s make a baby. And.. Leave it. Fuck it. It’s life. Don’t matter more than mine. One and done. I get to keep and save mines. Time and money is the only life line that truly matters.

Don’t complain. Don’t worry, I take, and I give.

You don’t like my gift. You’re fucking selfish.

I gave you the choice of pregnancy and I chose to be free.

Aww Baby. Don’t hate the player. Hate the low life suckers that allow me to play.

I can wipe you away from my conscience. Who needs you? I’m fertilizing the worlds garden. I plant and choose the one I want to keep. The one that looks good and appeals to me.

I am THE dream.

To all Bitches, Hoes, Low life Women—

If you ain’t pro man’s needs, you are a waste of life.



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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman


Art by Betty Dodson & Carlin Ross (

What is there to talk about?

Same shit as yesterday.

I don’t want you. You don’t want me and for that BITCH! You gotta pay.

Before I leave. And grant you peace-the type you said you wanted me for. Now you say— you only feel drama when my key hits that hole.

It’s cool tho’, cause you won’t be able to live without me. I don’t care if I made you tired of men. I like you even more now that you fucking with women.

See, I told you women play more tricks.

But you ain’t the only one with power between your legs.

And now you figured out a way to be every mans dream. I can just watch. You bring the strawberries, I’ll provide the cream.

Whatchu mean no?

I had that body for years. I gave and put you through everything that made you stronger. I was like—nah, Bitch, remember I am your daddy.

I taught you what men like. You owe me your life.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman

Summer Bodies

I haven’t received mine yet, so I don’t feel like being around anyone. Fat people remind me of myself, and I don’t like it at all. And the fit ones… If I’m staring, I know my wife is.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman

Worst Behavior

Women Beware.

With more supreme injustice, America just scored another one for the racists, rapists, pedophiles, molesters, and religious cult polygamists.

Also, if you’re a fat Black man, in a interracial relationship with a uhhh BIGGER BODIED White woman; beware. You might get mistaken for Clarence Thomas and his wife.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman

Wild Nights

A strange woman approaches. You’ve seen her type before, just not in person. She asks

“Do you have any ChapStick.”

What’s your response?

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman

Gender Wars

Straight Men everywhere are wondering Why?

Lesbians are taking their most beloved hairstyles.

“How dare they.” “It’s for us.”

They say, while staring at sexy physiques of fit men they wish they had.

And asking, “why are we being called cis males?”

“Are they calling us sissys?” “Fuck them.”

Wait- you can’t and even tho you really really want to, they just don’t want you.


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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman


Adults thrive from broken promises. Teaching kids to slide, into crime, distrust, and promote lies. What a life and error to be a BIPOC student in the North Thurston Public School district.

Graduating into the mentality of injustice the district hoped for and taught.

The school district and board repeatedly said it takes time to fix their mistakes and the problems they purposely ignored since creation.

But what they’re really waiting for is time to run out so they can award themselves for another undefeated year against students fighting for justice without.

It’s an easy win when you don’t even have to pretend to care.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman


Today is the first time in a long time I remember feeling truly blessed. My daughter is graduating high school as senior class president with a 3.8GPA.

That wasn’t the shocking part. She made it through her entire pre-college &adult life without any of her friends going to jail, getting killed or becoming drug addicts. I felt like I was in a fairytale.

And I know it’s called good parenting, but I know plenty of good parents whose children ended up dead, in jail or strung out before and while in high school.

I know time tells all, but again, for the first since exiting my 20’s I feel time is on my side.

But this ain’t about me.


AND TO THE ENTIRE GRADUATING CLASS OF 2022—(ESPECIALLY RIVER RIDGE HIGHSCHOOL. Because they tried their best to force some of you out, simply for standing up for what’s right)!!!! YALL ARE THE FUTURE

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman


Yesterday I… Screwed it up. And that’s all I wanted. To do what I want. No talking, no judging, just open submission.

Today I will make you cry. To hide my blemishes. I’m just. I’m like a book. Each edition is translated different. I read when we are at war. You depend on me to shape your mind.

You want sharp destructive, smooth comfort. You want me to help you escape. I turn and change. You consume. I think for my benefit and miss the message.

Tomorrow, I will do it again. My desires change but never end.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman

Air It Out

Talk. Argue. Shoot. Run. Air out. Breathless. Son of a gun.

Hang it up.

Mantle pictures are everyone’s outcome.

Some get there fast by slowing bloodlines. Slaughtering a daughter’s choice to escape bondage. While boys roam free, fighting to become toy soldiers.

Deep breaths. Hurts deep. Air it out. Out of breath. Sleep.

Parents crying before their time.

The only resource the rich can’t buy.

Loss of life. Every class is rewarded with the same ending. Getting aired out should never be the reason.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman

In Too Deep

The sun shined on my heart. The Breeze blew the incense of heat. The smell of bodies melting. Covered in secret. Skin reveals prints and bites. Scripts uncovered by diggers. Hammering, plunging. Echoes from caves. Humming as flesh waves. Drowned in the rush. We were never the same.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman

Oh’ she can Blow

art by Valerie Vescovi "Red Flute Blue Cat"

The musician.

That horn.

She blows.

Strong and exhausting. Whispering into a volcano. Giving and snatching life. Gripping tender tickles. Saliva and intimate slurps. Love spread without words.

Relaxing. Tension enhancing.

I limbo into dreams under caress. Melodies and silent strokes.

Oooh shit' I feel godly from your notes.

Happy Freaky Friday.

My upcoming book "Mom said go talk to Dad" is available for pre-order at

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman

A Peace in Hell

We all contribute to the collective mastermind. Yours and mine. To produce the fruit we waste and spoil, turning angry at an outsider’s healthy crop.

Knowledge doesn’t exist wholly as one. It’s a contradiction of people and ideas we love to hate and run towards. Hoping they fail but follow their path until we make it our own.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman


Tears beat down until she was dehydrated. Grey like hood water dripping into a rusty sink.

The crevices of her lips stung when sprinkled with her natures seasoning.

His cracked mentality bruisers glistened with trickles of blood. She smiled as he wiped his off. Then put her hands up in surrender.

“I’ll run you a bath?”

“Why don’t you just run away?” “Oh, you’re drawn to me.”

She sat on the tub. Skin tie-died with bruises.

The water slammed and wrestled around the tub. The faucet hummed, sounds of a cheering crowd. She thought about her neighbors listening through the walls. Screams and fights were gunshots.
Duck! Get down! Move!
Stay quiet or your family pays for the service to wish you were still alive in pain!

She zoned into her reality, nearly flooding the bathroom.

He rushed in.
“What the hell is taking so long?” " I thought you drowned or something."

She thought-don’t you wish. I do.

He slammed her into the water and held. Marveling at the power of death fighting to avoid the bed it craves. Always a moment away.

Their son ran in with his baseball bat. Swinging how daddy taught him during practice.

Home fucking “RUN”- she vomited up as his blood-soaked bald head fell in.

“He always wanted a waterbed but couldn’t swim” “BITCH.”

But who will help raise our kid?

She stops from the shot love allows.

She stays with a promise of vows.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman

Today’s Asshole

I love my family. I don’t always want to be around them.

I love my niggas but I don’t always wanna be around them.

I love my wife and kids but I don’t always want to be around them.

I love gay people but I don’t always want to be round them.

When I tell my gay friends that straight fathers probably don’t want their sons to be gay, that seems to wake them up more than Black Lives Matter.

When I say we love lesbians and are possibly more accepting if our daughters become one, and date some model looking chic-we get shunned. But c’mon-every parent loves a sexy hot friend to fall on.

What’s straight up crazy is that when straight men watch porn they make sure the ladies are getting fucked good and hard by big dicks.

If you say we have gay tendencies we’re ready to fuck you up, like you’re the asshole.

Even if we disagree, we still need to love, accept, and support. But that shouldn’t make us enemies.

Am I an asshole? Am I THEEE asshole?

A terrible husband, friend, father, family member. A racist?

Of course I am whatever you believe. Just because it’s offensive doesn’t mean it’s not true.

If you fucks wit me, I fucks witchu.

And to that I say fuck you, if your a woman. Fuck you if your a man. Whatever you are- if you won’t allow someone to respectfully disagree, while respecting your individuality.

Thank you all for being fucked up and showing me the way.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman

Summer Love

Image from Fabolous “Summertime Shootout”

Her kiss was like the sun shining on his heart. Her breath was a breeze blowing sensual incense, heating his love.

His excitement overflowed like spending before hitting the lick. Leaking is common in senseless schemes. Her set up was supreme, with clientele that rang bells for ransom.

She opened her bush, they rushed and left dicks in dirt. Right hands holding what send men to God. Prayers fell mute from bodies convulsing. Out of breath from clutching heavenly flesh giving hell.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman

What makes a Good Woman?

They are like vaults. Holding secrets even when fingered, opened and penetrated.

Make you feel important, like you’re the only one to EVER HAVE ACCESS.

Make you feel worth more than you can currently afford.

Your turn.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman

Good Morning?

Well… Not really. This morning, I felt as if I was. I didn’t want to get out of my resurrection chamber. I woke up to shouting self-doubt. Scary as an abusive parent. There is no place to hide because the pain and the scars don’t lie.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman


Everyone gives up a certain amount of respect. A.K.A. they allow a certain amount of disrespect if they feel it’s beneficial. But it has to be presented that way and understood in that aspect.

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