Art by Betty Dodson & Carlin Ross (

What is there to talk about?

Same shit as yesterday.

I don’t want you. You don’t want me and for that BITCH! You gotta pay.

Before I leave. And grant you peace-the type you said you wanted me for. Now you say— you only feel drama when my key hits that hole.

It’s cool tho’, cause you won’t be able to live without me. I don’t care if I made you tired of men. I like you even more now that you fucking with women.

See, I told you women play more tricks.

But you ain’t the only one with power between your legs.

And now you figured out a way to be every mans dream. I can just watch. You bring the strawberries, I’ll provide the cream.

Whatchu mean no?

I had that body for years. I gave and put you through everything that made you stronger. I was like—nah, Bitch, remember I am your daddy.

I taught you what men like. You owe me your life.


Who’s Life Matters?


Summer Bodies