The Power A Fathers Compliment
Compliments breed power, confidence and help others feel their own.
They breathe life into those on their last or dying to be. Compliments bring necessary chaos when you feel at peace living in negativity.
Caring for others makes you feel godly, when you see the smiles and sparkles from eyes and teeth like the stars you wish you could reach. It shows hearts are open. It can be the start of new beginnings-like the moment you act on the thoughts of changing your life. That is a moment when you are always right.
Compliments show your care, builds confidence and teaches you how to help yourself. It also teaches you to care less about the hostility of selfish people’s ignorance. You begin to focus on your own mind. Seeing what’s useful. You become the tool used to lead and build. It makes you tough enough to care. That’s a desire men should always share.
Compliments and caring bring freedom to aggressively give a fuck about helping people out of the mud of the miserable. You become strong and smart enough to face the dangers of lowering your worth.
Compliments resonate like the vibration of a good lover. We all want some and caring makes them come. Compliments and caring leave everyone feeling pleased and loved and less mind fucked.
Lastly, compliment yourself. That’s the best vitamin for health. All natural like the earth and sun, and the only manufactured one a man should take other than his partner when she needs the…Don’t shy away from self-care and compliments. They help you get over all the fuck shit we as a society encourage and accept.
Fathers, recognize your power!
Thank you for reading. And to all the fathers out there If you are trying to figure out how the fuck do I do this, remember, just don’t pull out.