A Fathers Job(e)

THE FATHERHOOD EXPERIMENT: A Newsletter for fathers

This Weeks Edition Is About working through success and struggle.

Love for your child should be given not earned.

Do it and do it well. And when you don't-that's what you must tell yourself, because struggle remains when you pretend. Success doesn't allow hidden weaknesses. Learn to be the provider and leader of your family. That is what a father is meant to be. Never show up with excuses, it proves you useless.

Know this tho, a father will always be used. Make sure it’s for a purpose that benefits the ones you love and are teaching to control their truth.


Makes a man capable.

Never be ashamed of the ones you go through. It teaches you to protect your vision when laziness clouds your focus. Laziness is a foul stench to success. Along with a lack of ambition, it's the shit a father should struggle to stomach.

Struggles are brief moments when you own up to them. Otherwise, you will spread'em like a rash. You can make yourself love struggle- having fun being lazy- playing games and yourself, all day scratching and sniffing your balls and ass.

The cracks from working to carve out your worth will wear you down and mark you with the charm of the family junkie doing dirt to build trust and show love.

You can’t avoid struggle. I’ve tried. It creates and leads to more lies.

You have to look at what needs attention, not just what feels important. Don't settle until you’re rich enough to not fall for ruin.


You gotta have it. Like a Spike Lee Joint.

A hard head beats suffering.

A lion has stages to his hunt to be king. He's gotta grow into it. Study conditions that influence. People will make the wrong decision if they think their integrity won't be questioned so peace must be pursued with a weapon. A father must form his from the stubbornness of wanting to own his gifts and humble his curses.

Stubbornness breeds a pedigree of living for a piece beyond what’s given.

I'm tired of hearing the last of the dying, so I give energy to life. That's a rare secret to plant rather than bury. It's a remedy for depression that sprouts happiness and eases worry.

Become the light your children chase, so the fun of lust, drugs, and reckless sex, doesn’t hold them in place.

A father should never hold their children in place unless it puts them 1st.

2nd is learning from failure.

3rd is rounding the bases of business instead of genitalia.

Remind them, nuttin' ain't free. Getting to it without preparation always costs more than planned. That type of stubbornness unforgiving.


Understand both, and only master what fulfills the needs of the family.

A Man is Born. A Father is Formed. He is doom for those holding innocence hostage, gambling what allows a child to flourish.

A long life of struggle can cause fathers to chase death. The enlightened would rather build new memories than be destroyed by ones he can't fix.

Remember to make peace and share what’s left. You'll see what’s missing when your world refuses to listen. Spinning from stubborn struggle, the music of life's blues provides rhythm to work through your troubles. Just pay attention to who smiles, and frowns when you thrive and when you struggle.

A Father must make the most from the job he is given.

Dad Joke.

My wife asked me to spoon in bed, I said after you let me fork.

Music I’m Enjoying

Ka, (Grief Pedigree)-The Album

Book’s I’m Studying (The Holy Ones)



Book I’m Reading

DUBLINERS (James Joyce)

Movie I Recommend

DEAD PRESIDENTS (1995).  This movie may be hard to watch if you are a Veteran.

For a father, slow is fast.

Be slow to judge and fast to love.

A child will rush towards what and who makes them feel welcome.

To all the Fathers wondering "HOW THE FUCK DO I DO THIS?"

My advice is "JUST DON'T PULL OUT!"


