Let Your Kids Be Their Own Person


This week is about letting your kids be themselves.

Hint... These are ways to let them suffer when they don't listen, then help them without the revenge mindset, all while gently showing them you won.

When you find out they did some dumb shit or rationalize a dumb decision (Start saying OK, smile, ask if they need anything, then calmly remove yourself from the situation)

I know this feels impossible. Especially if you were raised a certain way, and to believe certain things. When you try to control your children. You will lose more than your mind and their trust. Then your children will think you are impossible.

Let them be mad. Children need to understand what brings pleasure, and what type they prefer.

Let them deal with discipline. Accountability is the mindset leading to power. And power over your life, helps family own theirs.

Let them fight. Children need to understand the level of aggression they can tolerate.

Let them be wrong. Children will figure out the right decisions and way to live life. And they may want the opposite of yours.

Let them lose. Children should understand the desire to win. Along with the disciplined work and focus it takes to continue their pursuit.

Let them be hurt. At some point, everything will feel like an injury. Life will stun and shock until it all falls apart. Children need to realize it's the things they ignore that make it hard to gather and get back up.

Let them be disappointed. Everything won't go your child's way. We (Father's) can't rush in when that happens. Children need to analyze their decisions and make necessary corrections.

-Answer all of their questions, after you ask them what they think. We all need reminders that we are the creators of our dreams

Let them live life on their terms. Children make a new contract daily- according to their mentality.

Let them be the god that builds. Children need to learn to be a person of honor. That feels un-lawful in this world where people who do demon shit are judged as cool as long as it entertains you.

To let Your children be great, help them apply these rules every day.

Dad joke

What kind of bees make milk?


Music I’m Enjoying

Song: I'm still listening to Happy Feeling by Frankie Beverly & MAZE

Book’s I’m Studying (The Holy Ones)


Book’s I’m Reading

(Textbook for my master's in clinical psychology)

To all the Father's wondering HOW THE FUCK DO I DO THIS?

My advice is Just Don't Pull Out!




Ol’ Head