Ever wonder how to stay good, in your soul? When you're exhausted. Working longer hours for those who think you're replaceable, than you spend at home, raising kids who are starting to resemble their mother more than manly ways you know they will need to provide and protect.
"If you're scared to take chances, you'll never have the answers."-Nas
Don't be entertained by the fables.
Fairy tales aint for men, we like real women. We make our life happen. We prefer women who trap us with positivity and look at setbacks as reminders of what we are working to accomplish.
This type of talk is considered explicit. I avoid bulIshit. I didn't swear in front of my children until the world tried to brainwash them.
You can be whatever you want... Until that version of you stops working-mostly because it doesn't align with your morals. If you have to force the fit, that ain't the style for you to live.
You have to be the alpha and the leader; Nope... It's enough to let silence talk. To step aside to see the choice someone wants. Loud, ruckus never makes a dedicated person change their mind. know where you stand so you don't follow someone to dead ends.
Sometimes Villains are the good guys. Your family may not always think so when you expose flaws they hide behind. So, they can't be the hero in their story of excuses.
Patience is a virtue... Only when you're not waiting for change.
Father's, teach your children to work harder on their dreams than slaving for pennies.
Being scared, safe, docile, and broke is the cost of failing your offspring. Moral ambition turns love back on. It gives us something to carry other than wishing we were different, and perhaps the hero on their present wish list. Your kids will see and appreciate pouring more into their life than the women you made plan b to avoid more responsibility.
Give your children something to aim for besides sex and drugs. The entertainment vice for aging addicts cozying up to everything that smokes, so they don't face lost hope and disgrace.
Father's... Give your family more than moments of excitement and forgiveness, from hugs, apologies or buying that thing you've been promising to hold their love hostage- so they believe they are more than a memory. That teaches them to be happy with the price a man sets on love.
Children need to know, their worth is determined by discipline and morals.
Dad Joke.
"Why do chickens wear underwear on their head? Because their pecker is on their face."
Music I’m Enjoying
Song: "Rollin" by The Dungeon Family.
Book’s I’m Studying (The Holy Ones)
Book I’m still reading (I’m a writer so I’m studying this too)
To all the Fathers wondering "HOW THE FUCK DO I DO THIS"? My advice is Just Don't Pull Out!