Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman


apply pressure to your problems and straighten out your life.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman

Sexy Glutton

Poison ain’t just physical. Give the wrong energy and you won’t like how you end up/ out of your mouth, mind and guts.

Everybody's an addict and a whore for something. And I enjoy serving. I’m a hustler just like my city. I know what their selling me. They tried to sell you me. And sell you against me.

But it’s all gravy, like the holidays, full on trauma, what everybody wants to taste. Dark meat on their plate. They claim it aint for everyone’s pallet. The juiciest smothering you can’t get from under.

Now that we have that out of the way. Nothing says hello like alcohol and F.U.C.K.I.N.G. One of the only times we like speedy service, both if you're falling out of consumption and need a jolt of confidence.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman


I made a pact to find it here. Make it here. While I have breath in me. And not stop my own journey searching for another’s desertion.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman

Great Customer Service

Service with wide open smiles.

Laughs and moans with every morsel.

Every inch you endure and enjoy. The service that keeps you coming back for more.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman








(The only ones a man should increase)

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman

Divine Creature

They say blacks like to smell their wealth. That’s why we spit game, like gold, beautiful women and black books under our nose.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman


Deep thoughts-muddy intentions.

Muddy thoughts-deep intentions.

Either way-gotta get through the disgust I put myself in.

I haven’t moved cause both escapes are the same distance.

I need to go cause the end I need is impossible to reach doing nothing.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman

Ahhh, got you open!

You break, so I take one too, cracking legs, smelling the rush of a heart about to be broken. I plug loves openings.

(Excerpt from my upcoming book “The Wonders”

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman


You’re a user, I am too. Just do it gently so I don’t look like a fool. Cause nobody really minds the feeling  as long as they can still move.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman

Take A Minute & Breathe.

What’s in your lungs huh.

You say the air we breathe can’t be the same. There was a time I believed you cause of how you behave. But I let you tell me what you know. We’re going the same way and your energy tells how far we have to go.

Am I the only one who finds it crazy we can share a home and fight to keep from getting close?

Pardon me for staring and my ignorance. It helps me find a way through it.

I wish you could see what you’re showing. Lungs pumping the same blood. Body moving like it’s seeking intimacy. Thoughts roaming to find more than a few seconds of love.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman


Don’t be loyal to someone else and untruthful to yourself.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman

The Madness

If you are mad at the truth, you are just mad and need more help than a lie can provide.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman


I can’t.

That can't be how it starts. But wait, let me finish, how does that even make sense.

What I meant to say was This whole I feel, I'm not sure where or how it began.

How can my strongest muscle feel empty? I'm alive, so how can I feel lifeless. My words, and thoughts, and beliefs, drowned. Muzzled and choked. Silenced, and killed, by humorous rage. Filling with harm I swore not to pass on.

How else do I remove it.

I see a whole target. You see too? Or more-- depending on the hole you're trying to create. What are you filling yours with. Or will it remain empty?

That's foolish talk coming out now. It never remains the way we leave it. Filled with neglect some call love. They say one strangers help can hurt the other.

Who are they?  Me. I just made that up. I think. I believe that. There is no one to tell me any different. And if there was, I don't have to listen. I know what keeps me whole. I’ll empty when I'm ready. When I see something worth filling. 

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman

Mind Made Up

I travel around my thoughts until I find myself.

I see something I believe is better and get lost.

I regain my composure when I start to think for myself again. I stay level because I’m aware of the doubt I carry to crack my foundation.

I fill the gaps through understanding that I am the one who will make me into all I want to become.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman

Not Too Close


I thought we would always be… Closer than hands with lotion, guiding me to the right direction. Now I’m tilted drunk from the way you left me.


You were the only one that could have me throwing it up. closing my eyes, wishing for the same feeling to hurry and end my suffering. Pleasure has to be reached so we know what we want to experience.


like the fire under your nose. tickling tears watching your future rip. Off like a slippery pedal, bloodied cause what you squirt splatters. Flatlining, the last kiss for the brother on his deathbed.

Close enough to feel you granted his wish.

When a broken heart feels like a pulled muscle. An attack you can’t hide or run from. In and out of love. Enemies seeking peace. Cold or hot you’re served as meat.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman


Empty the clip jamming negativity.

The spark made me see. Flashes of different men I could be.

Full circle as a traffic light reflecting on images. Under sun or stars, shading determines the type of cover needed.

Same as when clouds cry, then part for a suns comfort. Rays show faces eclipsed with happiness and rage.

Why do women loved being fucked from men like we’ve been caged. Then when we unleash, they want us put away like we’re the nightmare interrupting their fairytale.


—The shading I’m talking about are shadows that could be friends or enemies rolling up in their cars, walking or lurking.

—The clouds crying then parting for a suns comfort also refers to women crying then opening up for somebody’s son, which continues on to being fucked from men like they’ve been caged.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman


If a man says his head hurts. What do you think?

A) He needs to stop masturbating.

B) He needs to stop watching porn.


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Only The Good

Kids might think they’ve grown passed asking for help, but they never want to feel like their being helped less.

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When fathers don’t take out their anger on the world or turn it into something meaningful, they make themselves, their family and kids targets that are easy to demolish.

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Grizzly Gentleman Grizzly Gentleman

Kicking Shit.

I walk with a limp cause I’m trying to avoid shit I been kicking since I learned my tongue could spit and my hands could make you eat it.

Some people say I’m ignorant, but I do it on purpose and they do it without thinking.

I Lean on myself, so my steps disrupt and sound like moans to anyone wanting a different outcome.

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