If your children are not White, don’t send them here.

Especially not to River Ridge High School. Having the most diverse school in the district-you would think, this day and age would be a good thing- but think again. They show the least amount of support for their BIPOC population, despite having Black and Latin administrators in positions of Power.

I can’t tell if they’re more like Samuel from Django Unchained, Uncle Ruckus from The Boondocks, or The Black cop from Boyz n the Hood. Your own people showing out for the white co-sign, until they remind you, “Nigger you know your Black right”. (Shout out to ICE CUBE for that line,)

The Black Student Union, decided to protest today January 31st, 2022, at River Ridge, against racism, sexual harassment, and every other discrimination White people are fighting in court to maintain.

The student’s message to the North Thurston School District should wake everybody up,

“You keep telling us to be adults about our injustice and discrimination, but we don't want to be like you."

"We don't want to learn to accept and ignore Racism and Sexual Harassment.”

They should never want to follow in a sympathizer’s footsteps.

And soon as they said that-It was as if the bleached skin Jesus MeriKKKa prays to couldn't make it to the salon, because at that moment, administrators were spying, and two white students came out from the pool, bare chested and in swim trunks to harass the Black Students.

The administrators quickly went over to politely ask the aggressors to resume swimming but told the Black and other students of color that they would not graduate if they protested.

To make matters worse, the district sent out an email before the protest. Stating;” We, The North Thurston Public School District do not support the protest.” “We advise our Black Students to wait until Black History Month to Voice their issues.”

What kind of confederate, Birth of a Nation, White Domestic Terrorist Militia response is that?

And that’s why I wasn’t excited when Derek Chauvin was sentenced, because I knew people would exhale and go back to sleep and dream Blacks would shut up and accept every inhumane treatment like they try to make us believe slaves did.

"Why would we wait until next month when we have been speaking up about this for years!" A student asked.

River Ridge and North Thurston School District are banking on the protest being ignored. Then they can continue to cover up the Racism and Sexual Harassment cases and proceed with business as usual.

The students Need support from everyone. If you really want to end the bullying, harassment, murder, depression, and suicide of your children, then show up and support the Black Student Union.

If not, then just continue allowing racists and sexual deviants to torment your kids.

Remember, you're the adults. So don’t just act like one- Fucking BE ONE.

The protest will continue until The Black Student Unions demands are met. They will protest at 7:30 am, every day until further notice.

And if you’re wondering why the other schools didn’t participate, or more students didn’t show up for support? You already know why.

P.S. I saw more women there supporting than men. What the fuck is that about?


This Life


My President is Wack (Remix to Jeezy’s My President is Black)