Do you know your ledge?
I know mine.
I accept my vanity without judging others for who they are. But ugliness that’s not physically attached to me is a burning image that blinds.
I don’t pretend I’m entitled to war because we disagree. But the title I hold in my mind says you need to provide my peace.
Making others happy doesn’t guarantee my own because sometimes I just don’t feel anyone deserves it. And the time I don’t want to be bothered is when people need the most.
Silently judging and holding a grudge makes me feel safe enough to move forward.
What I love now may take life tomorrow. But that’s not permission for you to ruin it for me with momentary sorrow.
Kill it.
Fuck it.
Love it.
Feel it.
Laughing is the body preparing to cry. All the same emotions we feel at the beginning and end of life.