How To Exist As A Black Man
How do you cope when you swear the only ones who understand are underground?
When you wake up afraid to speak life.
Because vandals wrote that your existence is criminal.
I couldn’t make this-up.
And why the fuck would I want to?
I ain’t racist fool. Although sometimes, I dream to be that free.
Then I wake up.
Nigga. Yes, I am a man, a family, a human too. I know who I am, what I do, and of what I am capable.
I don’t pretend my life can only move ahead through the death of someone in control.
There is some truth behind the lies we uphold.
My focus is inside my home. Otherwise, I would lose hope.
And I don’t mean hope from surviving pistols or dope.
And I know- hope- doesn’t make it reality.
But it can improve your scene, and that’s what Black lives need to see.