A Better Man’s World (how conflict resolution made me a better man and father)
Today I realized,
I am great. Because I wasn't resolving my mistakes.
So, I stopped despising my kids for theirs. That feeling may not last all day. But I know why I had it. Because I want the best for them, and they are making some of the same bad moves I made. Some are new and some of them are also good.
But when anyone doesn't listen to a man, we (men) feel like we are being threatened. We think this person must not respect me, so they must be plotting an attack and, will be a problem in the future.
But if you to pay attention, you'll realize you're not listening to them either. You’re too occupied with getting your way to see that your way isn’t working for them, and didn’t work perfectly for you either. You had to adjust and still do.
Everybody wants something different and that doesn't make them wrong. or a threat.
The goal to conflict resolution is to leave with peace- not- more- conflict. That can be hard because we fight ourselves to resolve everything. Men always want to be viewed as strong. And we believe anything other than conquering makes look weak.
I had to resolve that emotion because I don’t want to conquer my kids.
Today I realized
I am a lover
I am a fighter
I am a coward (I avoid and hide from what I don't wanna do)
I am brave (I just admitted all these things to myself)
I am angry
I am peaceful
I just wanna f!!k
I just wanna be left alone
I want it all.
I submit to understanding myself and only resolving weaknesses that conquer my strength. Everything else is a waste of my time.